Delivery Information


GiftLady forms part of a specially established florist network.

All flowers' prices include delivery.

Flower delivery - Monday to Saturday.

Same-day delivery nationwide can be arranged for orders received before 11am and before 9am on Saturday.

Orders received after 11am can be arranged for next day delivery or an alternative preferred delivery date.

Hampers ordered with flowers are couriered to the florist, to be delivered together, however, this is time dependent. Our customer-care agents will be in contact if this is not possible.

Flower deliveries are completed by our exclusive florists within the recipient's area of delivery to ensure freshness and quality.

Gifts and Hampers

GiftLady uses an external courier company to ship all parcels.

Please remember to provide your preferred delivery date during checkout. Gifts and Hampers are couriered nationwide at an additional charge of R95 (Delivery is not included in the price).

To ensure timeous delivery, kindly allow 2 - 3 working days' notice and 3 - 4 working days for remote areas, & Durban/KZN orders.

Once your order is dispatched - you will receive an automated email with tracking details.

Deliveries do not take place on Sundays and public holidays.

Saturday Delivery - can be arranged at a special rate of R250.

Gqeberha/Port Elizabeth - Same day delivery can be arranged for orders received before 13h00 SA time.

Gqeberha/Port Elizabeth - Free collection point available.

Next Day Delivery - Can be arranged for orders received before 15h00 (SA time) provided they are close to one of the following city centres:

Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gqerberha, Cape Town, East London, and George.

Durban/KZN Regions – Deliveries on economy service take 3 – 4 working days (R95 per address) and express delivery service 2 working days.

Important: We do our very best to deliver on your specified date. We apply special instructions, communicate with couriers, and follow up on tracking. We rely solely on third party couriers and even though we follow strict processes to meet your preferred date, we cannot always guarantee it.